University of Connecticut Climate Resource Exchange

Monday, October 31, 2011

Northeast Recieves Pre-Halloween Treat

An image of the storm from NOAA

The northeast was hit with an early snowstorm this past weekend, with the most snow falling in Jaffrey, NH (31 inches). If you are in Connecticut, and still without power, the CL&P map of power outages, which I wrote about in a post for Outside the Neatline, may be a useful resource. For a map of snow precipitation on October 30, 2011, see the map below from NOAA:

Monday, October 24, 2011

Interactive Map Displays Extreme Weather Events

This map, from the Pew Center on Global Climate Change, shows extreme weather events since 1995.

For information regarding recent extremes weather events check out this map from the Pew Climate on Global Climate Change, which displays events that occurred between 1995 and the present. The map features recent events that happened this past summer such as flooding in the Northeast  and droughts in Texas in addition to older events like Chicago's heatwave in 1995.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

CAMEL - Climate, Adaptation, Mitigation, E-Learning

CAMEL is a FREE, COMPREHENSIVE, INTERDISCIPLINARY, ONLINE RESOURCE for educators to enable them to effectively teach about CLIMATE CHANGE.